Justissekretariatene (official site) Manages a number of administrative function related to the juridical processes.
PDD-63 identified certain functions related to critical infrastructure protection that must be performed chiefly by the federal government.
He also exercised some judicial functions related to taxation.
Among the 93 genes, 12 had functions related to cell proliferation and kinase pathways (Table 2).
The oculomotor nerve is responsible for several parasympathetic functions related to the eye.
Butch cannot only be seen at athletic events but also at other functions related to the university and its constituent groups.
The authorities' functions related to water resources management were separated and retained by the public sector.
Some of the functions related to more complicated hypergeometric functions include:
Any other function related to the Israel land management imposed upon it by law or by any governmental decision.
Marvin Minsky suggests that laughter has a specific function related to the human brain.