The show includes full-size images of battleships and the Statue of Liberty, as well as some environmental comments.
Over the years the doodles grew into full-size, mature images.
The "full-size" images on Lytro's website are about 1080x1080, or just over 1 megapixel.
Bowie had insisted on the cropped black and white image as he felt that in the original coloured full-size image the sky looked artificial.
Or did they encode the full-size image and then scale down?
I looked at the full-size images from the x264 guy's blog.
If you're going to be scanning numerous full-size images, make sure you've got a computer with the power and the space to handle them.
This add-on device lets you scan in film negatives and slides, creating full-size images from your small originals.
Finally, when the Ajax data arrives, the handler hides the spinner and inserts the full-size image into the new for display.
These full-size images average 500 KB each and may be slow to download.