Various methodologies have been used throughout the history of the school to achieve this, from homogeneous groupings to diversified instruction methods.
They differ from other groupings of monkeys and primates, such as the Old World monkeys and the apes.
The government was intended to be inclusive, with representation from all existing parties and groupings.
Intergovernmental organizations in a legal sense should be distinguished from simple groupings or coalitions of states, such as the G8 or the Quartet.
The line of this tendency differed clearly from other pro-Chinese groupings in East Pakistan at the time.
Tala refers to a fixed time cycle or metre, set for a particular composition, which is built from groupings of beats.
Reflexive self-structuring separates organizations from other groupings such as a crowd or mob.
The grouping of lab modules by scientific themes is a departure from traditional groupings by departrment.
It also says that Japanese corporations tend to buy insurance from insurers in their own keiretsu, or industrial groupings.
From the photographs and groupings of the ships, it looked as if Outpost was about halfway along with its preparations to invade Thule.