Ceramic fragments recovered from the north shrine date to the Late Classic.
The test results were reviewed in November 1985 and determined that there could be "no definitive conclusion as to the exact source of the missile fragments recovered from the crash site".
Also, from the fragments recovered, we know that the bullets were heavier than one hundred grains.
Full use has been made in this edition of Mr. Locock's collations, and the fragments recovered and printed by him are included in the text.
Some Coptic manuscript fragments recovered at Fayyum appear to contain a sort of commentary or homily on the gospel.
In addition to the ceramic cylinder seal, two fingernail-sized fragments from a greenstone plaque have been recovered, each containing an incised glyph.
In addition, two fragments of pottery recovered from one grave were of a type widely used by the English in the 17th century.
When about half the monument had been examined and 53 fragments recovered, the excavation was called to a halt.
Though large iron meteorite falls had been witnessed previously and fragments recovered, never before in recorded history had a fall of this magnitude been observed.
Yes, without a doubt, the fragments recovered from the crime scene were fired from the M-16 lying there on the table.