Cauthen had a further six days added to the four-day suspension he picked up at Goodwood last Thursday.
He remained positive during the four-day suspension of Mark Jackson.
It was bad luck on Darryll Holland, who probably would have been riding here but for picking up a four-day suspension.
Meanwhile, since returning from his four-day suspension on Feb. 26, Jackson has played in just 7 of 14 games.
Judging the Judge On the subject of confusion, that's what Pedro Guerrero's four-day suspension has created among baseball people.
However, Bianchi chose to do it in the same gym with Jackson's teammates, which only made things worse, leading to the four-day suspension.
But in the fall, after hitting one boy a little too forcefully and making him cry, Jonathan said, he received a four-day suspension.
"What's to prevent a player from punching you in the nose and taking a three-, four-day suspension and taking the fine," he said.
Since returning from his four-day suspension on Tuesday, Jackson has played only eight minutes.
The index fell by 33 percent Monday after a four-day suspension of trading.