Official surveys of the state's gas stations in recent years have found rampant abuses.
The California Attorney General's office has found abuses with other noncash gifts as well.
She found abuses that led her to call it a "human rattrap."
In recent weeks, officials there said they had found widespread abuses among fund companies.
In the disputed territory of Kashmir, which is under Indian military occupation, the report found significant abuses of the local Muslim population.
In recent years, the commission said it had found widespread abuses in Adult Homes, a separate state-supported program for mentally ill patients.
And when investigators looked closely, they found widespread abuses that went beyond tobacco companies.
The town has since found other abuses.
The S.E.C. has brought enforcement actions in cases where it found abuses.
Aides to Mr. Kennedy said they thought he would have broad support for efforts to tighten the law if further investigation found widespread abuses.