A moment later a single flame soared across the sky, long and bright and almost floating.
As the flames soared skyward, the wild revel rose on its own wicked wings, taking the form of a thing fevered and inflamed.
He had skirted the valley of the shadow of death as the flame soared.
The flames soared skyward, a red and gold glare against the fading light, crackling in the stillness.
"You assured me-" A flame of exultation soared from the dying embers of hope.
The flames soared higher and higher, and the smoke-column out-towered the trees.
Within two minutes of the initial explosion, the gas ignited, and flames soared 500 feet into the air.
The white flames soared high and burned the Beast's eyes with the power of the goddess.
The flames soared high, and the area was brightly lit.
Fire broke out on the Jackson and flames soared up her wooden sides.