Business as usual has stopped being conducted, devastating to a sport whose off season is filled with time-honored patterns, dates, rules and expectations.
Rather than filling the pool with ornamental patterns, the piece explores the relationships of the body to weight, resistance and release in an unusual medium.
Both works were filled with clear, bold patterns and movement for dancers who looked like lithe automatons.
Most of the time, the two groups mingled in sequences filled with choreographic juxtapositions and shifting patterns.
One window spread large, filled with colored patterns that meant less than zip to Ravna.
Both are filled with wild patterns, bold colors and a motley assortment of guests.
He had been getting restless with weaving, which filled his mind with patterns that left no room outside themselves.
The dance was filled with quick footwork and shifting patterns.
The lower part of the display went blank and a few seconds later began filling again with new patterns of symbols.
The world is an intricate place, he believed, filled with dense patterns stretching back into time.