Experts say eating fiber-rich foods each day can work similar magic.
Here are 20 fiber-rich foods to consider and tasty recipes that contain them.
Learn how to bake using this fiber-rich food in your breads, cookies and cakes.
Or, alternatively, they can be used to make supplements and fiber-rich processed foods.
Many studies show that eating a lot of fiber-rich foods can help control diverticular symptoms.
"When you eat fiber-rich foods, you are getting other nutrients along with the fiber," she said.
But fiber supplements may not provide all the same benefits as fiber-rich whole foods.
Star chefs share new ways to use this fiber-rich food.
Then come the fruits and vegetables, both of which are best consumed as fiber-rich whole foods, not juice.
Here's how to get your kids used to the taste of fiber-rich foods, which they can come to love.