Ordinary and necessary fees related to late payments incurred beyond the control of the Member are reimbursable.
The campaign spent about $300,000 in accounting and attorney's fees related to the 2004 campaign.
The company took a £20 million ($32 million) exceptional charge in the second half, for fees related to its possible merger.
"And this has been construed to permit the charging of fees related to the sublet."
The banks stood to earn millions of dollars in fees related to their advice to the acquisition partners.
The company said it benefited from expanding income from fees related to corporate finance and credit cards.
He added that some patient-care review firms offered to provide programs at fees related to savings they produced.
The latest quarter also includes about $650,000 of fees related to the company's restructuring.
And fee revenue, largely fees related to Internet access, rose 31 percent.
Another $50 million will go to paying fees related to the transaction, which requires shareholder approval.