The council offers the following report to expand on its previous guidelines and to identify features related to a meaningful and effective physician-proxy relationship.
Jedit has been around since 1995 and is a general purpose text editor, with extra features related to supporting the Japanese language.
Each of the software products provided a specific set of features related to its intended market.
Separate links are also made for features related to that event.
The illustrations depict moments from the story while the woodcuts show off architectural features related to the Tower.
See features list for a complete list of features related to server administration.
There are practical reasons for these features related to the "human factors" of caring for a baby while on the move.
Each type of monitor has unique features related to length of recording time and ability to send the recordings over the phone.
On the other hand, many features related to spatial file management remain.
These programs are designed to train features related to prolonged speech, a treatment technique which is frequently used in stuttering therapy.