I would not become fatally weak.
It is known to me that the women of Brega will prove fatally weak when my warriors strike.
When the ice turns out to be fatally weak, the commandment on which the episode is based assumes a derisive poignancy: "Thou shalt have no other God but me."
To show us that, while unorthodox attacks may possibly be made by unskilled tacticians, any such attack is of necessity fatally weak if it be opposed by good tactics.
Chinese dissidents are fatally weak.
In 1995, shortly after her former husband was killed, she dismissed him as fatally weak, telling a Vanity Fair reporter, "Maurizio was simply a thing called Gucci that had to be washed and dressed."
The Foe are in a fatally weak position, diminished in numbers and strength.
By the time of Tito's death, in short, federal institutions were fatally weak.
It wasn't any good playing 27 Re7 Qg6 28 f3 Bf3 29 Kf2 Qg2 30 Ke1 Bd1 31 Kd1 f3 because Anand's king position is fatally weak.
Unable to use his garrote, and fatally weak, he could not fight.