On faster machines past the B5000, more of the stack may be kept in registers or cache near the processor.
In June, the company introduced a range of faster machines designed to shore up the PS/2 line by adding performance.
I.B.M. is expected to focus its new products at the higher end, on faster machines with larger memories.
But this year, Intel is trying to stake its claim in a market it has barely dented - faster machines that run corporate data centers.
Instead, manufacturers are encouraging us to buy faster machines with more storage capacity and better displays.
Once software has been developed for these machines, it will be easier to expand it to make faster machines.
These jets had evolved into faster and sleeker machines than those he remembered from Vietnam.
The workstations used for data input to the Plant Records system need to be upgraded, using faster machines with higher memory.
Owners of faster machines based on the 286 or 386 chips probably won't mind the slight delay.
The slowdown is less noticeable on faster machines.