Some experts have raised concern, for instance, about the ability of the Government to control the contractors.
Although the Governor says this plan will not hurt economic growth, experts have raised troubling questions.
Although suicide was officially accepted as the cause of death, some medical experts have raised doubts, suggesting that the evidence does not back this up.
Demand is running so far ahead of supply, however, that military experts and lawmakers are raising alarms.
But some experts have raised questions about the proposed new system.
Even as the plans were announced, experts in the field raised questions.
Middle East experts have raised questions about the tone and wording of the letter as well.
The defense's burden, then, was to call experts to raise doubts about the prosecution's witnesses.
The experts raised serious questions about how well human gene therapy studies were being monitored at the university.
But even before the initiative begins, outside experts have raised doubts about the plan's chances for success.