According to the company, the market is expanding fast: three-quarters of its sales were made in the past 18 months.
Labor unions grew steadily until 1916, then expanded fast during the war.
Every other kind of court, especially the royal court, was expanding fast.
The only thing I could think of was speed, because when fires hit that certain point, they expand fast.
If the economy does begin to expand faster, however, there will be no way to prove that the tax cuts were mostly responsible.
Without the cost burden, he said, his chain expanded much faster at home than abroad.
Then it will expand faster, until the Earth itself will be destroyed.
Like other global businesses, Hays is expanding fast in developing markets.
Doctors who work at these organizations worry about whether they can expand much faster without harming the quality of care.
She now earns about 15,000 rupees ($344) a month and business is expanding fast.
It seems that some of the very furthest/oldest objects in the Universe are expanding faster than they "should".
But air travel is expanding faster than safety, measured in accident rates per mile flown, is improving.
A war could also influence markets by raising the federal budget deficit, which is already expanding faster than Congress or the administration anticipated a few months ago.
"Now the market is expanding faster than we can keep up."
And the tax bases are expanding faster than the towns can estimate.
The bank was expanding faster than its capital reserves seemed to warrant, she recalled.
Yet others wonder whether many of these young companies are expanding faster than they can handle.
They believe that unemployment will fall if demand expands faster than the economy's long-run productive capacity.
Shanghai's official Japanese school has 2,214 students, a tenfold increase from a decade ago, and is expanding faster than ever.
An ant on a rubber rope that expands faster than linear is not guaranteed to reach the endpoint.