Worse, the state would not be required to actually conduct those two enrollment periods.
If possible, always sign up during your "initial enrollment period."
In October of 1997 and each year after that, the Government would hold an open enrollment period.
In later years, the person would apparently be locked into the health plan until the next open enrollment period.
But as the enrollment period begins, some school officials say they feel little pressure to change.
Here are 14 things you need to know about Medicare and the open enrollment period.
Federal officials and private health plans will have to reach out more vigorously to raise the numbers before the enrollment period ends on May 15.
More controversial is whether to extend the enrollment period so everyone, not just the poor, can keep signing up for the rest of this year.
Because enrollment periods open at different points during the year, many others are only now starting to scratch their heads about what to do.
The open enrollment period for company benefits is here again.