By 1988, enrollment had climbed from a low of 40 to 114 and income exceeded expenses.
This fall, preliminary figures show overall enrollment has climbed to 200,121, a 2.6 percent increase over last year.
By the fall of 1935, North's enrollment had climbed to 2,300 students.
By the 1974-75 academic year, enrolment had climbed to 500, and the university graduated its first class of 45.
With the new marketing drive, enrollment has climbed by about 150 students, to 650.
The university's new comprehensive plan projects that enrollment will climb to 200,000 students by the year 2000, but many officials say this is very conservative.
Hispanic enrollment has climbed at two of the three.
P.S. 149 has grown by nearly 10 percent over the last five years, and enrollment climbed to a record 1,117 this fall.
The group said that enrollment has climbed steadily by 8 to 10 percent since 1992.
The enrollment of homeless children has also climbed to about 4,000 this year, from 1,000 five years ago.