They prevailed in 1960 when the court invalidated the discharges and awarded them their back military pay for the remainder of their enlistment periods.
United States citizens were enticed onto Brazilian ships and after the end of their voluntary enlistment period were forced to stay.
On December 5 they created a Corps of Permanent Volunteers, which would have a shorter enlistment period and more autonomy.
The longstanding two-year enlistment periods were phased out in 1961.
To pay for the war, Congress passes the first income-tax law, and enlistment periods are increased from three months to two years.
The Continental Army of 1776, reorganized after the initial enlistment period of the soldiers in the 1775 army had expired.
Returning to New York in May 1863, the original regiminent was mustered out after its two-year enlistment period.
Watkins was separated from the service at the end of his enlistment period in 1984.
After his enlistment period was up, he returned to his home state to raise the First Vermont Cavalry serving with them until 1863.
The initial enlistment period for six of the seven Oregon cavalry companies and five of ten Washington infantry companies expired in the fall of 1864.