They and others are pressing lawmakers to emphasize their opposition to homosexuality as part of a social-issues agenda.
But that formula is in itself a step away from China's initial reaction, which emphasized its opposition to force and seemed to offer no exceptions.
And they constantly emphasize their opposition to military action if Saddam refuses full inspection.
Jackson chose to run on social issues, emphasizing law and order and his opposition to busing.
He emphasizes his opposition to inflation and his commitment to a classless society.
Granato emphasized his opposition to nuclear weapon tests in neighboring Nevada.
In their more recent public statements on sexual issues, they have tended to emphasize the church's opposition to abortion and homosexual practice.
Governor Clements has gone on a statewide tour to emphasize his opposition to any new taxes.
I really cannot over emphasize my opposition to resuming active military operations if there's any possible alternative.
One of the clearest paths to distinction, especially in the primaries, was to emphasize his early opposition, as a state senator, to the Iraq war.