His fingertips followed the embroidered pattern in the linen tablecloth as he thought.
High-end silks, such as silk jacquard, also appear in single, bold embroidered patterns comprising the more luxurious end of the men's line.
The women secured their dark hair with jeweled combs and wore white dresses adorned with embroidered patterns.
In some cases, sheer fabric is embellished with embroidered patterns or designs.
But the necks of two of the gowns were edged with embroidered patterns, simply yet carefully done.
For both men and women there are bold stripes and intricate embroidered patterns.
Even intricately embroidered patterns are affordable here, and tailors are available for custom-fitting.
Some of those, Mr. John said, like making a soft leather jacket covered with small embroidered patterns, have been followed up by Fubu.
Jewelry, woven and embroidered patterns, and fringes are used in the utmost profusion.
He was in a shiny grey suit with embroidered patterns all over it.