Assault Driver (Electric chair iconoclasm, sometimes from the top rope or another elevated surface)
Raising the feet or hands onto elevated surfaces during the exercise emphasize the upper (minor) and lower (major) pectorals, respectively.
Typically, these snakes remain on the ground until the age of 4 months old but can ascend trees, cliffs and other elevated surfaces.
Looking north, he could make out the depression in the elevated surface of Manhattan that was the south end of Central Park.
The shrines and the masjid are located on an elevated surfaces.
The men used their feet and free hands to move snow, packing a ramp to the elevated surface.
One is on elevated surface, adjacent to the concourse level.
Highly elevated surfaces can induce a thermal low, which then augments the environmental wind flow.
They are done seated on an elevated surface.
A cavalier, or elevated surface for artillery, surmounts the reinforced barracks.