A thermal circuit is the representation of the resistance to heat flow in each element of a circuit, as though it were an electrical resistor.
The heat transferred is analogous to the electrical current and the thermal resistance is analogous to the electrical resistor.
In this case, the food material serves as an electrical resistor.
Soldered to these were thousands of electrical resistors of varying strength, duplicating the water-bearing properties of the region.
One of his early inventions was an improved electrical resistor for computers, radios, televisions and an assortment of other electronic devices.
In the manufacture of electrical resistors, a uniform and lasting adhesive carbon film can be put over a ceramic base using BCl.
This short, intense pulse of current can be measured as a count event in the form of a voltage pulse developed across an external electrical resistor.
Technological innovations have led to new types of thermometers, including those that use temperature-dependent electrical resistors or measure infrared light radiating from warm bodies.
We do that by dialing this selector, which engages one of ten electrical resistors of increasing value.
The power of and electrical resistor is current x voltage or current x current x resistance.