During their elective period, eighth grade students may choose a music credit or a foreign language credit.
The school offers elective periods.
Built into the school week are two 1.5 hour elective periods, where students can take a class of their choosing.
Recovers all the topics of year's 1-4 and includes an elective period of eight weeks, when many students broaden their clinical experience by studying overseas.
Students also have the option of participating in physical activity classes or study halls during this shorter elective period.
To fulfill this requirement, students must attend an early morning "0 period" and surrender an elective period.
Students from medical schools in Europe, USA and Australia have spent their elective periods with the university.
They join other students for gym and a 46-minute elective period at the end of the day.
Students at HSMSE have one elective period each day.
There are also three elective periods, as follows: