Here, fine egg noodles are tossed with sesame seeds to give added texture and flavor.
Goulash may be served with small egg noodles called csipetke.
Add egg noodles, stir and cook until al dente, about 30 seconds.
However, it generally means a fresh (as opposed to dry) ribbon shaped egg noodle.
Add the egg noodles, stir and cook until they are al dente, about 10 minutes.
When the water is boiling, add the egg noodles and cook for 3-4 minutes or according to packet instructions.
Additionally, wheat pasta is used rather than egg noodles.
When we served them fresh thin egg noodles, pan-fried with very little sauce, they were bewildered.
They continue to decorate eggs in their cultural fashion and their egg noodles are never far from the table.
A giant pot of egg noodles sat on the kitchen floor, for there was no room anywhere else.