She eats compulsively, grows fat and lavishes what little energy she has on her baby.
The reseachers believe that when people inherit one copy of the abnormal gene, they are vulnerable to conditions characterized by a lack of inhibition, like eating compulsively.
She is no longer eating compulsively and has lost 45 pounds.
When she's upset she compulsively eats.
Whenever he tried to stop, he found himself eating compulsively.
For the very heaviest people, particularly those who eat compulsively, some surgeons recommend operations more extreme than the gastric bypass.
They eat compulsively - sometimes thousands of calories at one sitting - until they feel stuffed.
The story centers on a boy named Michael who suffers from rectal prolapse and compulsively eats stones.
She thinks she is fat and eats compulsively.
They welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively.