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On the way out I open one more door, compulsively.
Compulsively he reached out and took her hand in his.
At first, looking out for a ship was something I did all the time, compulsively.
But some of her works now seem almost compulsively energetic.
And at the same time she had become compulsively neat.
When she tried to move away from him, he almost compulsively held her tighter.
You know I lie compulsively, but never about things like this.
He has also been described, almost compulsively, as a rock star.
She is no longer eating compulsively and has lost 45 pounds.
At first his eyes kept blinking compulsively, and nothing came.
She has spent a good deal of time compulsively spying on people, including herself.
Not compulsively so, mind you, but organized enough that I could find most things eventually.
If you work compulsively, it makes sense to date within your habitat.
The question is, why are these people so compulsively overheated?
In fact it was one subject on which he tended to speak compulsively.
Are there people who get so anxious that they compulsively save too much?
Sports is compulsively honest compared with the rest of the world.
He scratched his arms compulsively, trying to decide what to do.
He washed his hands compulsively, for the twentieth time this day.
She was compulsively neat when it came to her paperwork.
Monty is obsessed with body building and he compulsively works out every day.
"It's as if this is a game to him," she added compulsively.
Her footsteps remained compulsively quick, more of a run than a walk.
Kids spend hours compulsively trying to figure it out.
Her body moved compulsively closer to his, seeking an even more intimate union.