Some young Earth creationists would later incorporate parts of his arguments.
Old Earth creationists and some others do not necessarily dispute these figures.
It must be like young earth creationists dealing with fosils and so on.
Kenyon's views changed around 1976 after exposure to the work of young earth creationists.
The museum has also been criticized by Christians who are not young Earth creationists.
Some young Earth creationists have suggested that this was due to the effects of inbreeding as only eight people survived the flood.
Baraminology emerged from an effort by young earth creationists to make this interpretation scientifically appealing.
The biggest problem for the young Earth creationists is explaining the time that has apparently passed since the light we see from distant galaxies was emitted.
When debating young earth creationists, ask them whether they believe in alien U.F.O.'s.
Ham's beliefs and tactics have been criticized by other Christians and old Earth creationists.