Both ceramic and glass are hard, durable surfaces, impervious to moisture.
They also can be grooved to provide a durable skid-resistant surface.
Three granite counters provide durable surfaces that do not scratch or burn.
It also contains starch that helps to create a hard, durable surface.
For his furniture, Mr. Lauren wanted a more durable surface.
The strength can be 6:1, or for the most durable surface, 3:1 may be used.
What can we apply for a hard, durable surface that can be redone as it wears?
In the late 1760s, cast iron plates were laid on top of the wooden rails, providing a more durable running surface.
Usually, the term refers to a dedicated area that has been provided with a durable or semi-durable surface.
Fitted carefully, they make a very nice and durable surface.