It developed from discussions related to the armistice.
I can see a lot of discussions related to potato seeds so hope ...
Specifically, he said that public discussion related to political reforms were taking place before the Tiananmen Square protests.
(iv) A discussion of the pertinent findings, including any peculiarities related to the industry, regions or demographics.
The term "systemic risk" is frequently used in recent discussions related to the economic crisis, such as the Subprime mortgage crisis.
One of his junior officers, during preliminary discussions related to production and procurement, had hit a stumbling block.
As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) worlds.
We get in touch with people who have taken part in discussions related to that day's subject if we think they would like contribute.
Miriam is angry that he overheard discussions related to the case before he quit the district attorney's office.
He had participated in discussions related to treatment.