Jack is all set to discover the city beyond his small town.
The detections bring to 12 the number of planets discovered beyond the solar system, all in the last three years.
What's the use in coming all this way, if we're not going to discover something beyond the common?
Sim went to the shoes-and discovered a round hole just beyond them.
It's important for Americans to discover the world beyond our borders; the majority of those who do so behave respectfully when abroad.
The end of childhood is discovering the world beyond childhood.
Through the expedition they discover a secret older than time and a danger beyond imagination.
In a moment of raw panic, he struggled to sit up, only to discover the effort beyond his powers.
The detections bring to 12 the number of planets discovered beyond the solar system.
Yet now we see you offer us hope, and the chance to discover a rich new universe beyond our dreams.