The president flew directly from there to the disaster scene on the second day.
At the disaster scene, radiation levels within the 30km (19-mile) evacuation zone were still 1,000 times above normal, although experts said the situation was manageable.
Another 30 people at the disaster scene have been treated for sickness.
Does it ever get a bit depressing showing up at disaster scenes all the time?
Once up on the air, he had a close view of the disaster scene.
After the storm, called Mitch, struck last week, much of the downtown along the river became a disaster scene.
Mobile field offices are often found on construction sites, or at disaster scenes where a temporary office space is needed.
What greeted her instead was a disaster scene.
It was yet another set of television images, joining the disaster scenes that are coming to seem like seasonal reruns.
Even those who were far from the disaster scene were profoundly changed.