It also called for "human rights field officers" to be stationed in Rwanda to deter abuses.
These problems include top management's lack of emphasis on ensuring that the internal controls are in place to deter fraud, waste, and abuse.
That is the only way to deter further abuse of umpires and insure that they can control the game.
And others say that internal discipline would never deter abuses as effectively as the threat of review by outside officials.
Have you considered that the reporting by The Times may have served to deter future abuses?
Punitive damages are also meant to deter further abuse by the same company or other companies that might be tempted toward similar callousness.
Concern was raised that the increase would do nothing to deter abuse of the visa and would instead discourage foreign investment in Korea.
But where a state prosecutor actively focuses on protecting nursing home residents, he can do a great deal to deter and punish abuse.
Deter abuses by mandating public disclosure of campaign finances.
These changes will also help deter fraud, waste and abuse and identify levels of improper payments.