The novel is describes the naval career of a young gentleman during the period of British Mastery of the seas in the early 19th century.
The situation as described during the medieval period gives rise to the dual form of werewolf folklore in Early Modern Europe.
In his book Witchcraft, Magic, and Culture Owen Davies describes the witches' mark as an "established folk belief during the early modern period".
He has been described as the most influential such scholar during the Tokugawa period.
What Bukharin was doing was to describe the actual situation in Soviet Russia during the period of 'war communism' and civil war.
A friend also "described her as happy and normal" during the period of silence.
He sent letters describing the details of the killings to police and to local news outlets during the period of time in which the murders took place.
It describes a period of widespread chaos and disturbance in southern Africa during the period between 1815 and about 1835.
Zuo zhuan describes the wars and battles among the feudal lords during the period.
The ancient Greek term acra was used to describe other fortified structures during the Hellenistic period.