A storage heating system takes advantage of cheaper electricity prices, sold during low demand periods such as overnight.
The last extremely high demand period was 1966, quickly followed by the 1971-72 cutbacks, resulting in more than 100,000 being eliminated from the profession.
Cities Service became the first company in the mid-continent to use the slack demand period of summer to refill depleted fields near its market areas.
It is little used for irrigation as during the peak demand period (summer and autumn) it is often not flowing at all.
It has two 11,250 kilowatt generators which were used during peak demand periods that are no longer in use.
More complex arrangements include the use of critical peaks which occur during high demand periods.
The pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant will be used to generate electricity during the peak demand periods of the day.
The probability that a unit will not meet its demand periods for generating requirements.
The plant is profitable because pumping occurs during low demand periods when electricity is cheap.
The utility's greatest demand period is when the sun is highest.