Second, these two defendants did not tell the truth on the witness stand.
Several companies in the US offer services that claim to reveal whether a defendant is telling the truth.
The officer reported that the defendant used bad language and told the officer to go somewhere.
"And the defendant told you that she had an appointment to keep?"
"This is not a complex case," the prosecutor went on, adding that "these defendants will tell you in their own words what it's about."
"The defendant told the informant to take off his clothes and threatened to beat him if he did not," the statement said.
"If you were on a jury and a defendant told a story like that, would you believe her?"
We never accept what an accused defendant tells us to be the truth.
When was the last time a criminal defendant told you everything?
From the stand, the defendant told the jury that his desire for a career in law enforcement was strengthened by the experience.