A good example of the inaccuracy is representation of decimal value 0.1.
Page 59, list the power of 2 and 16, and their decimal value.
Thus we could get the same approximation, with decimal value about 3.14159292, from a 48-gon.
The 8 decimal values whose digits are all 8s or 9s have four codings each.
Shots are scored as decimal values from 0 to 10, with no decimal places.
Each shot is worth a maximum score of 10 or a decimal value of 10.9 points.
A slab may contain a decimal value from -999 to +999.
For example, both and load the decimal value 100 into register $1.
Signed decimal values may be represented in several ways.
If the remainder were to be zero or 169, then the fraction would terminate as an exact decimal value.