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Right, so how do you change that into a decimal?
I think we're doing decimals in schools at the moment.
Right, how do you write that as a decimal of an hour?
With a date set in decimals, instead of years and months.
What is the most important point when you're adding decimals?
To six places of decimals, we have now found 1 - 6.464102.
This scale shows both minutes and decimals as an hour.
Right that's brilliant I think you can both do decimals.
If it can be proved that a decimal of the form 0.
It has a total field area of 3 acres 16 decimals.
This is not true for negative decimals, such as 17.5000.
It's easy to change things if you say, I want, three decimals instead of two whenever.
The values in between are usually expressed as decimals of 1.
It had far too few digits in front of the decimal.
Given a diameter to four decimals, what's the surface area?
Right, so what's fifty three per cent as a decimal?
To prevent confusion, the year is always written with four decimals.
The final answer is 1001, which in decimal is 9.
"Maybe you could help me with my decimals and percentages.
To check the rest of the digits, represent them in decimal.
However, I can think of reasons why decimals are more convenient, but not "wrong".
Thus means one divided by two, or, in decimals, 0.5.
How many questions does it take to determine that a child doesn't know decimals?
Just keep on what you are doing in your math classes and let science teachers explain why they want only decimals.
When the number becomes large, conversion to decimal is very tedious.