The spirit is more than willing, but the flesh is decidedly weak.
But a surprising 26 percent of the money - $1.3 billion - was earmarked for small-cap, aggressive growth and technology funds, areas that have been decidedly weak.
I felt decidedly weak at the knees and was entirely at a loss for words.
Caitlin leaned a hand against the damp wall, feeling decidedly weak with relief-because that gleaming blade was still suspended above Wyatt.
Demand for credit is decidedly weak.
The coffee was less excellent, being decidedly weak.
His eyes were light, his hair was light, and he had a decidedly weak chin.
His impressive whiskers concealed a decidedly weak chin.
It has been a decidedly weak year for many magazines, but The New Yorker has been hit harder than most.
But in the actual hearings, the members of the Goldman mortgage desk are looking decidedly weak.