Ruffled cuffs, pleated skirts and flying fringe gave zip to bolero suits in dazzling patterns.
The caterpillar pittered by, its legs moving in a dazzling pattern.
Through them, the urban environment was transformed into a dazzling pattern of subjective spaces.
But this School of Paris brushwork manages to evoke the dense, dazzling patterns of markets, forests and streets.
The organization of stone into composition gives shape to a dazzling pattern of art.
Nessa's blade seemed to be everywhere at once, weaving dazzling patterns in the air.
Behind him, the tapestry was coming apart; all the ornate dazzling patterns of knowledge were disintegrating.
Sounds, dazzling patterns, seductive perfumes: thePassage and all within it suddenly experienced with only the inner senses.
By then Massine's symphonic ballets, with their dazzling contrapuntal patterns, were relegated to the history books.
She saw the dazzling magnetic patterns of clocks, phones, lights, and locks.