In particular, Damascus continued to reckon dates using the Seleucid era.
The researchers then compared these dates with presumed historical dates using Bayesian inference to determine if there is any correlation.
The date he had used throughout his career and was apparently still using 20 years after he had retired was Sept. 25, 1918.
The studies to date using FBT to treat BN have been promising.
This way, he manages to date both Seema and Priya simultaneously using different identities.
To save space and memory, many older computers and programs were designed to specify dates using only the last two digits of a year.
The second test, King, fired the largest nuclear weapon to date using only nuclear fission (no fusion nor fusion boosting).
Not satisfied with the outcome, he attempts to blackmail her into a date using an alimony lawsuit as leverage.
People can also use these dates, but it is currently not common for people in any country to write dates using this standard in their day-to-day lives.
You can browse images by date using the second "thumbnail view" icon, which also gives you access to your favourites area.