The square dance patterns for seven couples are still visible.
This latest attempt at a shortcut is a microcosm of Tyson's dance pattern - two steps up, one step back.
It typically consists of 6- and 8-count dance patterns.
These sections may be divided further into various fixed dance patterns involving one, two or eight pairs of men and women.
For the song "Return", he came up with the dance choreography from observing then-current dance patterns in many places.
Each man bobbed and swung as he handled his load, so it seemed that the two ranks were sets in a complicated dance pattern.
He knew how to translate behavior patterns into dance patterns, and his designs in space were often bold.
The crystals, which are the color of the costumes, prick through the careful dance patterns like sharp little stars in a night sky.
The music and the dance patterns disintegrate into organized chaos.
The guest choreographers contributed their personal variations on traditional dance patterns.