The cultural groupings for Hispanic or Latino of any race were 62.46% of the population.
Definitions such as Galla and Amhara refer to linguistic and cultural groupings rather than to blood-lines.
PUCA was originally established as a cultural grouping advocating 'Central Americanization' in 1904.
Cultural regions are often defined with respect to an ethnolinguistic group or religion; the larger cultural groupings are sometimes referred to as "civilizations".
Culture-historical archaeology is an archaeological theory that emphasises defining historical societies into distinct ethnic and cultural groupings according to their material culture.
"No cultural groupings can be isolated to suit the Eburones in the north Eifel" according to Wightman.
It is a very special place, with living exhibits of Native life in each of the five cultural groupings that are indigenous to Alaska.
They are usually divided into families or groups based on historical period, geography and/or cultural grouping.
It is now used in a more general way to refer to the geographic, economic and cultural grouping of the three countries.
By the time this migration was complete, around 250 BC, a few general cultural and linguistic groupings had emerged.