Perhaps it came down at an odd angle, or it sank a few inches into a crusty surface.
No matter, the grisaille image with its crusty surface is handsome.
"But when you take off a crusty old surface and sand it down," he added, "you find this beautiful wood underneath."
Her fingertips finally met the crusty surface of a painting.
"It has a lovely, crusty old surface and a thick veneer that had been cut by hand," he said.
Only one set of shoes had broken the crusty surface of the snow.
But the ghosts and memories triggered by their crusty salted surfaces are gone, too.
The first time, he prodded the snow, only to have the crusty surface suddenly give way beneath the pressure.
He stumbled, fell sideways along the crusty surface of the windward face.
Andy would have broken through the crusty surface enough to leave tracks, but not him.