Although they seemed safe inside this metal cocoon surrounded by jewels, everyone knew it could crumble apart in an instant.
Places that might have been castles a thousand years ago perched up on vertical rock spires, crumbling apart.
If they adhere to each other and form a dough without crumbling apart, then enough water has been added.
Destroyed at the end of the series when the fortress crumbled apart and exploded.
At any moment, they would start to crumble and break apart, come crashing down on top of them.
Directly over him, a branch crumbled apart.
These rapid, strategic, movements caused some workers to get laid off but the GM's fall production schedule started crumbling apart.
And then my beautiful, logical structure crumbled apart.
For much of tonight, it appeared that almost everything had come crumbling apart for the Braves.
Sections of the bridge had started to crumble and fall apart.