In the last 10 years, $149 billion has been spent on crop subsidies nationwide, nearly $8 billion of that in Kansas alone.
He accused her of wrongly declaring some crop subsidies as trade-distorting.
That measure would cost $171 billion over 10 years and increase crop subsidies.
The budget plans call for cuts in rural programs, like soil conservation and waste and water treatment, but major crop subsidies look likely to survive.
The Administration's own five-year farm plan, now being drafted, is expected to limit crop subsidies to moderate-size farms.
But the House bill makes bigger changes in farm policy, while the Senate would keep most of the current system of crop subsidies.
A farmer recently explained to me that crop subsidies help to smooth out the variations in farm income.
The Government ruled last fall that farmers had to make such a set-aside to remain eligible for crop subsidies.
That adds up to $92.6 million, the largest concentration of crop subsidies in the country.
In recent years, the Government has paid crop subsidies to more than 10,000 people with at least $125,000 of income from sources unrelated to agriculture.