Mr. Holloway and a couple of other men climbed into lifeboat No. 1.
The couple secretly climb on the roof of the train and succeed in finding some of the explosives.
As if overheard, the couple climbed the stone steps out of the pool and headed for the hotel.
A couple in buckskin costumes climb the stage and strip.
A couple of men with technical sergeants' stripes climbed onto the dead Lizard tank.
An old couple climbs aboard and starts playing tease-the-mzungu[white man].
The rear doors of the van opened up, and a couple of women climbed in.
A young couple was climbing the Alps.
The couple climbed back into their chairs and tried to calm themselves by singing a folk song about the beautiful night.
After a couple of more climbs to the crest, Walters said, "Sir, range is about six miles."