It should also give consumers a better overview of the costs relating to the products.
The costs relating to the protection of patent rights must also be balanced and easy to implement.
Furthermore, various costs relating to the changeover will lead to higher prices.
The period also included other costs relating to the closure of a cultured products plant.
Accounting for the costs and liabilities relating to such plans raises several issues.
The relevant costs and revenues associated with decision-making, in contrast, relate to the future rather than the past.
States have collected sales taxes that exceed their medical costs related to illness from smoking.
The administration also wants Congress to authorize a $10 billion reserve fund for costs relating to the war on terrorism next year.
The second is about how banks fund themselves, and how these costs relate to interest rates for customers.
The projected total cost relating to Afghanistan from inception to the fiscal year 2011 is expected to be $468 billion.