Party officials estimate he now has locked up more than 40 percent of the convention vote.
Super Tuesday will determine 783 of the 4,287 Democratic convention votes.
How does this moral victory compare with that gain in convention votes?
Tucker received only 5 percent of the convention votes, an indication his support may have slipped during the previous three years.
Under state law, a candidate needs 25 percent of a convention vote to force a primary for that party's nomination.
I look forward to being on the ballot as a result of the convention vote.
The final convention vote was 89-79 in favor of ratification.
If this guy has more convention votes than anyone else, how can we not nominate him?
Under state law, a candidate needs 20 percent of a convention vote to enter a primary.
Durbin was nominated to run for governor in 1900, and easily won the convention vote.