These conventions consist primarily of Bible-based sermons, including demonstrations and experiences of their preaching work.
On the contrary, the conventions have usually consisted of an attempt to formalise, under popular and humanitarian pressure, rules that must be considered as generally applicable.
The convention consists of all Bundestag members as well as an equal number of delegates chosen by the legislatures of the Länder (states).
The convention also consisted of panels, roundtable discussion groups, and other gatherings of activists, members of the media and elected officials.
The convention consists of the sixteen articles containing general provisions as well as the Code.
The convention consisted of sixteen articles and was divided into three sections.
The annual convention consists of panels of local and international experts, and in a large array of subject-matters.
The convention consists of the preamble and eighteen articles divided into four chapters.
The convention consists of three states: Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming.
Except that this convention will chiefly consist of Members of Parliament from the individual Member States.