These are the continents - or rather, the single continent, that formed billions of years ago, then broke up as the convection patterns changed, drifted, reformed.
This warm water causes convection patterns which influence water temperatures throughout the year.
Differences in salinity can also affect these convection patterns.
The convection patterns are the most carefully examined example of self-organizing nonlinear systems.
In hydrodynamics, convection patterns often involve periodic travelling waves.
These convection patterns shouldn't be possible in a planet this size.
Consequently, the statement that the developed convection pattern is broadly similar to a single wavenumber pattern still allows a variety of possibilities.
Previous results showed that Titan has a global convection pattern known as a Hadley cell.
Teresa figured it would start with shock waves disrupting the planet's deep, ancient convection patterns.
The group found that moving the chip altered convection patterns, although it had no effect on the accuracy of the microwave readings.